Saturday, March 29, 2008

Online Video Startups

Yes, I have start up fever and wonder like the rest of you why I hadn't thought of the next big thing. Every weekend Pep and Gavino brainstorm to come up with exciting new online platforms. Usually by Monday they learn that Google or some other company has put the concept into action.

On Thursday we attended a Meet networking event at Webster Hall.  When I first moved to NYC over 20 years ago, I attended a Susan Vega concert at the same venue and made one of my lifelong friendships through a person whom I met at that concert.

At the NY Video 2.o Event, most of the presenters seemed to be hawking services that resembled the reinvention of existing online video platforms. One of my colleagues who attended this event with me said that the goal is to perfect the existing technology. 

CBS Online was the main event. I felt outraged. Whatever democratizing elements may exist through the medium of YouTube and the like seemed to be erased when imagining this conglomerate imitating the content. CBS has deep ad revenue, access to talent and resources. Is CBS trying to use the aesthetic of amateur video to appear like any other start up? Maybe they should just stream CSI and not pretend to be something they're not. 

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